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Herbal Votives - Set of 6
Herbal Votives - Set of 6
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Once you experience our votives, you will no longer believe that all votives are the same. Numerous customers have told us that Crystal Journey votives are the only candles that sell in their store. There is no mystery behind this success. When you use the finest ingredients and offer a broad selection of scents (over 100 and counting) and combine that with great pricing you create a winning product. Our votive candles are made from highly refined waxes so pure that they are considered food grade, wicks constructed from cotton and paper and essential oil blends.

Item# Item Name Retail Price Qty Add
CJ001 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Abundance (light green)
CJ002 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Angel's Influence (turquoise)
CJ003 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Ascended Masters and Guides (light blue)
CJ004 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Astral Journey (off white)
CJ052 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Cleansing (white)
CJ005 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Compassion (peach)
CJ006 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Confidence (golden brown)
CJ025 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Courage (maroon)
CJ026 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Creativity (purple)
CJ007 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Dreams (pastel blue)
CJ008 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Friendship (ivory pink)
CJ009 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Good Health (royal blue)
CJ051 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Gratitude (dark blue)
CJ010 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Harmony (lilac)
CJ011 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Healing (dark purple)
CJ012 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Housewarming (burnt orange)
CJ027 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Joy (tangerine orange)
CJ013 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Laughter (sparkling yellow)
CJ014 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Love (pink)
CJ015 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Manifest a Miracle (pastel pink)
CJ016 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Money (bayberry green)
CJ050 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Mother (light peach)
CJ017 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Motivation (wine)
CJ018 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Peace (teal)
CJ019 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Postivie Energy (yellow)
CJ020 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Power (silver gray)
CJ021 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Problem Solving (brown)
CJ022 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Protection (black)
CJ023 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Seduction (red)
CJ024 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Spirit (sparkling white)
CJ028 Herbal Votives - Box of 6 - Wisdom (magenta)
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Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 3 Write a review »

  3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Love their products March 6, 2021
Reviewer: Connie Harvey from Bethlehem , PA United States  
I can’t say enough about this company and their products. I just love them and continue to always put an order in. Not only do I burn their candles for myself, but I give them away as presents and the people love them. You cannot go wrong with this company, as his company is excellent and would give them 10 stars if I could

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  3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Fan of Crystal Journey Candles October 18, 2020
Reviewer: Sandra Serenity from Forest Hills, NY United States  
I've been purchasing Crystal Journey candles for years.  One of my first candles was for the focus on attracting my real love, this was back in the late 90's....I met him! and married now since 1997.  I've also purchased the abundance/money candles and did well with these candles.  I've also used the protection candles whenever I felt I needed to and the results were good.  Also love the Angel pillar and the Ascended Masters.  

Overall I'm a huge fan of Crystal Journey candles they absolutely help with my meditation and manifestations.  


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  4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 My meditation practice is owed to these candles December 22, 2017
Reviewer: Moonlight's Mystery from Sturbridge , MA United States  
I have been using these candles for my entire adult life.  The affirmations that came with my first candles helped challenge my pattern of negative self talk. The reike charged candle helped to develop a deep appreciation in taking time to breathe with intention. Plus the fragrance is pure and not overwhelming,some scents are very strong. The burn evenly and do not produce much smoke.

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